Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Wednesday, Dec 27 Gathering

Hi all,
This week we will be meeting on Wednesday night at 6pm at the Geel's home. The meal will be favorite appetizers. Please let us know in the comments what you would like to bring so that we have a variety. Also, as we look forward to 2018 I would love to hear what you learned in 2017 and what you are working on or  look forward to in 2018.


  1. We will bring veggies and dip!

  2. Sharon is bringing pickled asparagus and asparagus, ham, cream cheese roll ups

  3. Geels have artichoke parmesan dip, salmon dip, guacamole and chips. I've also got chocolate chip cookie dough ready to go if we need a dessert

  4. Okay, David and the boys can make it after all. I’ll send some fruit, pumpkin pie bites, and I think I have brazi bites.
